What influences us?

We see the chaos and uncertainty that surrounds the world. We see the varying opinions from everyone, including the experts. Not even a majority can agree to what’s going on, how to handle it and what to do next. Not one person that everyone is looking to has the answers–no epidemiologist, no virologist, no governor and not even the President. None know the full truth. They can’t predict the future and what is going to happen in regards to this virus.

Take a step back away from the noise and confusion, away from the varying opinions, the news and the waves of fear. See what is happening from a different perspective. God is trying to get our attention in the midst of this global pandemic.

While the world is full of instability and unknowing, God is stable and is sovereign over all. While the world is chaotic and fearful, God is hope and peace. He is the calm in the eye of the storm, while the world is caught up in the storm.

What is God trying to show us from this place of calm and peace? He is trying to show us that Man does not have the control. We struggle and struggle to have control and that is why there is so much division and bickering…we want to be right because that makes us feel like we have some control. But, just because we have opinions does not mean we actually have control.

And because there is a lack of control, we will, and have been, forced to seek a source of control, someone who will TAKE control. The world is being conditioned. We are seeking answers, a cure, a solution. THE key issue here when we take a step back and look around, is who will you look to for a solution?

When taking a look from this broader perspective, we can see that there are simply two choices…God or Man (the world). And these two choices have very different agendas.

As described throughout the bible, the agenda of man/the world (through the influence of Satan) is to bring humanity under its full control/bondage. The ultimate agenda is to eventually bring us to a place of such desperation for someone to fix things, offer a “cure” or solution to a problem or crisis that we will fully surrender our freedoms. We will voluntarily place ourselves into the hands of those who will lie and deceive and do whatever is necessary to have us believe that they have our best interests in mind. The bottom line is that Satan wants to keep us from the truth of God, who he is and his plan for us and he uses MAN to carry out his agenda.

God’s agenda, on the other hand, is to reconcile us to himself. His purpose and plan for us has always been to be in relationship with him, not to deceive and not to control us.

From the beginning, God has given us the ability to choose. The purpose of choice is so we can know love–to be able to fully experience who God is and his love for us. He did not create us to be robots.

Regardless of your religious affiliation or your source of faith, if you live in the U.S. you’ve no doubt at least heard of Adam and Eve. Well, they were given the ability to choose and Satan comes in and takes advantage of their ability to choose and deceives them. They chose to trust Satan over God, bringing sin into the world. This sin separates us from God. It was a choice that was made. And we have the same choice. It has never changed.

God’s plan is freedom and truth and relationship with us. Satan’s plan is to keep us separated from God and truth and to keep us in the bondage our sin creates. God will allow many things in order to lead us to the truth that sets us free. But, he will not force himself on us. Satan will use any means necessary to keep us in bondage, including force.

God created us for relationship. Satan was jealous and wants to destroy our chances of having a relationship.

Throughout history, God has pursued us, showing us the way back to him, to warn us of the schemes of Satan and his deceit. And Satan has done his best to keep us turned from God. He uses any means necessary to accomplish this,  including tempting people to believe there is no God, or there are many gods or this religion or that religion is the truth, or to believe that anything that anyone wants to believe is ok. Satan also tries to convince us that we ourselves know what is best, which puts us in the place of a god. It is ALL to turn us from God. ALL deceit. ALL lies.

And when Satan fails to keep us from God, he enters into the church through false teachings and ministries. What is happening more and more is that the church is being convinced to compromise and to be more like the world. I believe the greatest tragedy that has happened in the church is that we have stopped fearing God and we have stopped seeing his Word as the source of truth. Many who claim to be Christians never read the bible for themselves and therefore have no basis on which to test what they have been taught by others. Many allow others to interpret it for them, and are easily led astray. And when we don’t fear God and we don’t really know his Word, then that’s when we allow the world to influence us over God.

And when we don’t fear God, we follow the world and many times fall into Satan’s trap. We allow the world to be who we look to for answers and guidance instead of God. And when Christians do that, we are NO different than the non-believer. This again is Satan’s agenda, to turn us from God, not looking to him as our source of truth or peace. No wonder we are full of fear and hopelessness. We have lost sight of God.

But, we all have a choice on who we allow to influence us and who we are going to trust. And this decision will determine our eternity, not just our current reality. Do we choose God–truth, hope, life, love, peace with an eternity with him and others? Or do we choose the ways of the world/Satan–deception, distraction, chaos, hopelessness, confusion and an eternity in isolation, anguish, darkness, grief, pain, regret…nothing good? This is a choice each person must make regardless of what happens with the rest of the world right now or in the coming weeks and months ahead.

Mostly, the agenda of Satan has been kept hidden, and somewhat secret or more easy to sneak by without notice. But, more and more over recent years his agenda has become easier to see. End times bible prophecy speaks of a time when the entire world will come to a place of such great desperation that most will be willing to give up their rights and control to a single global governing system and a single man who will be in complete control. And during that time, there will be disasters and events far worse than what we are experiencing with this pandemic. There will be things that will make people wish they could escape it but they won’t be able to. (I can go into greater details about what has been prophesied  in another post or point you to where you can get more information). And the evidence of this agenda coming to fruition is already being seen today.

World leaders have spoken of the need for a global government. Plans are being implemented for a global digital currency. And we’ve all heard for the rush to create a vaccine that will be pushed to be mandatory across the world. There is also talk of the need for implanted tracking devices. It is all about creating or using a crisis to implement multiple means of control. And when we are fully controlled, we can be forced to do whatever they want us to do, including turning away from, or never turning to, God.

God is allowing what is happening to get our attention to make us aware of the agenda and to give us time to seek the truth, to turn to God and to strengthen our faith. We are being tested by God in regards to our faith. And I believe we are also being tested by those of the world who are trying to gain control to see what it is going to take to control us.

We have to look around and question things and pay attention to what God is trying to do. We can’t continue to follow along blindly, just living our lives for ourselves, thinking that all is well and will forever be. Scriptures speaks of scoffers in the last days saying that it will never happen.

I believe that there may be more difficult days ahead–for how long and how that will play out, I don’t know. I will not attempt to set any dates or predict any events beyond relaying what the scripture says. But, I do know that God loves us all so much that he is willing to allow whatever is necessary to draw us to himself and away from deception. He doesn’t want anyone to spend eternity without him and he doesn’t want anyone to live in fear. My heart is for all to seek the truth, read the bible, get right with God and to not be afraid.

God sent his son, Jesus, to die for our sins, those choices that have separated us from God, so that we can be reconciled back to God. I know that there may still be skeptics reading this. But, don’t let the world convince you to be prideful in thinking you don’t need him. Consider Jesus. If you don’t know him or even believe in him, ask him to reveal himself to you and he will.

The choice is yours.  There will come a day when there won’t be time left for the choice to be made. I pray that you choose God, the source of hope and peace and truth.


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13 ESV


**I am in no way implying that this virus isn’t real. I am saying that it is being used to implement an agenda and to manipulate people and to instill unnecessary fear.

**I am not saying that the world is ending tomorrow. Only God knows the timing of the specific end times events. It could be weeks or years away. Don’t let people or the news scare you. I want you to be aware and prepared.

**I don’t want to be anyone’s source of truth but an encourager to point you to the truth. But, please don’t ignore these warnings to be vigilant.



Do Not Conform

God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, saving them from their bondage. But, they kept wanting to go back into captivity and to what was comfortable. They refused to believe that God knew what was best and had a better plan for them.

When Jesus came and died for our sins, he made a way out of our bondage to sin. Yet, like the Israelites, we often refuse to believe that God knows what is best for us and has a better plan for our lives. We want to go back to what we know, our sin nature, and what is comfortable. We either ignore God’s moral standards set in scripture or twist those scriptures to conform to what will make us comfortable either in our own sin or in avoiding the sometimes difficult and painful path God has called us to walk.

Scripture says that in this life we will face trials and difficulties (2 Timothy 3:12) and that we would be ridiculed for being obedient to our call (Matthew 5: 10-11; John 15:19).

But this life is not about our comfort and not about pain avoidance. It is about living a life pleasing to God because he, who created us, knows best and sometimes that means difficulties.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9

We have to stop living for ourselves and stand up for the things Jesus stands for. He does not change and neither do his standards. Are we basing our standards on those of the Lord or those of this world in order to avoid conflict, pain, difficulty, trial?

If we are not in the Word, seeking God’s interpretation, we will be easily deceived (2 Corinthians 11:13; Matthew 7:15; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 4:1) because we won’t know our Master’s voice (John 10:4-5). We alone are responsible for what we know and how we act (Romans 14:12). We cannot allow the world, who is not of Christ, to lead us astray and determine our beliefs. The enemy wants us ineffective in leading others to truth (John 10:10). We must be different than the world. If we aren’t different than the world, then what is the point (Ephesians 2:10; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Peter1:13-16; 1 Peter 2:9; John 17:15-18)?

And yes, we are called to love one another, but that doesn’t mean to the extent of saying sin is ok  (Romans 1:32). I am not saying that we should condemn others. No way! But, just like Jesus told the woman caught in adultery, sins can be forgiven but repentance comes first (John 8:10-11).

We must follow the standards set by scripture, lovingly leading others to the knowledge of truth and true repentance for salvation. We cannot allow the world to convince us that those standards change as culture changes because God doesn’t change and never will.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2


Are we being used?

If you call yourself a Christian, then these words are for you.

How are you responding to and interacting with the waves of chaos that continually overtake this country? Are you quickly offended when someone has a different opinion and feel it necessary to voice yours? Do you think that your voice is somehow louder and will be heard and believed above ALL others shouting at the same time? Are any of your actions biblical?

Chances are, if you are acting like EVERYONE ELSE, then they aren’t. And the truth is that you may be playing into the very thing that you think that you are fighting. As you may be aware, our enemy is not each other but Satan himself. Our battle is not against each other. There is a spiritual war for all of the souls in the world.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

Satan does not want those who don’t already believe in the saving knowledge of Jesus to hear that truth. Have you ever considered that you may be being used by him to accomplish his goal of others not hearing about Jesus? Probably not. But, being a Christian does not make you immune to his schemes. Many are playing right into his hands.

You see, Satan can no longer have us. So what can he do? He can make us INEFFECTIVE! He can DISCREDIT us and keep us from being the voices of truth to a lost world. And he does this by tempting us to act like the world and not like Jesus at all!

Sure, you may be right in your opinions. But, realistically, how often do you change someone’s perspective on heated issues, especially when getting into arguments through your phone or computer screen? I mean, really?!

So STOP. Stop allowing Satan to have a foothold in your opinions and your responses. Stop acting like the world and be silent until God tells you to speak to someone.

19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; 20 for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. (James 1:19-20)

Ask God to allow you to actually see the person you disagree with the way he sees them. Just maybe God is bringing your attention to them in order to be in prayer for them. Or just maybe your judgement is God’s way of bringing up something similar in your life that needs attention. 

Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. (Romans 2:1)

It is time to recognize the schemes of our enemy and to resist it! Our actions, if not led by God, could discredit our witness and push others further away. So, please, stop getting offended so easily and feeling like you have to be a part of every argument. Just stop. You are adding to the problem. If Christians stopped speaking when it didn’t matter, then maybe more people would listen when we speak at times that do.

Please take some time with the Lord and ask him about your actions. What does your fruit (actions) say about your relationship with him?

16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. (Matthew 7:16-17)

If you are quick to speak and get offended, chances are that you aren’t spending enough time in the Bible and in prayer with God. The closer we are in relationship with the Lord the more we start reflecting his image and act like him.

18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

As I mentioned before, our battle is not with each other. It is not a physical battle. What we see in the physical world is merely a manifestation of what is happening in the spiritual realm.

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

We must fight the spiritual battle by spiritual means. How? We learn to put on the full armor of God before we go into battle (Ephesians 6:10-20). We also do this by reading our bible to learn about the ways of God so that we will know the ways of our enemy and by spending time in prayer to build relationship and to fight for others. All of this allows God to transform us into his image so that we can be the true reflection of Jesus and to become a better witness to the lost. Even Jesus fought this way when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). He used his sword, which is the scripture, every time Satan tested him. And Satan fled!

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

I pray that as the body of Christ, that we will no longer allow the enemy to use us. The world needs the knowledge of the hope that we have in Jesus. We are in a war and it is time that we recognize his schemes, put on our armor and fight!

Truth in the midst of chaos

Before this election season comes to a close, there are some things to think about that have nothing to do with a candidate. While everyone else is focused on details, there is a need for a broader perspective. And since many of the pulpits are silent on current issues, I am compelled to sound the alarm of truth.

What is happening that is causing all of this chaos of varying opinions and our need to be so openly forceful in our beliefs? Chaos and force. Two very strong words that have described and guided the social atmosphere and emotions of this confused country during this season. Could there be something going on that we cannot see that has pushed us to this extreme?

No matter your spiritual beliefs, you can feel the change and you can feel the tension. There seems to have been a sudden push toward what we are experiencing, like it came out of nowhere. Like we are being collectively squeezed and suffocated, we are in a panic to survive and we are running about screaming where to go and what to do. But, we are confused and don’t know what is happening, therefore don’t know which is the way toward survival. We are yelling at each other thinking we know the way, bumping into each other, pushing and fighting, scratching, pulling and completely oblivious to what is causing the madness.

When we continue to do things the same way and expect change, it is insanity. We MUST consider a different perspective. If we’d only look up. Take a step away.  Ask some questions. Seek something outside of where we are and what is going on. What we are doing isn’t working. What is guiding us isn’t doing us any good. We are killing each other and we are killing this country.

And what we continue to do isn’t working because we are reacting to what is physically happening. But, the battle that we are fighting isn’t in the physical. The reason that we can’t control or change what is going on, the reason that there continues to be chaos and madness, even though there are many opinions on which way is best, is because we are attempting to fight a spiritual battle by physical means.

We are fighting each other. And as we rip each other apart and force our opinions, the chasm of this country grows wider. WE are not each others’ enemies! But, there is an enemy that is playing us and it has just been too easy. We are suckers. We have been caught up in the chaos that has been dangled over us like a carrot and we are too blind to stop chasing it!

12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12)

This country, that has stood for Christian values since its inception, is being fought over. The powers of darkness are trying to win rights over this land. What we are physically seeing around us is but a glimpse of what we aren’t seeing. It has been years in the making, one step at a time. One right after another challenged and overthrown. How else can you explain how the country with the largest Christian population is also the greatest exporter of pornography and full of Christians who think that it is ok? The water has slowly gotten warmer and now that it has reached it’s boiling point we don’t know how we got here and have no clue how we can jump out. 

The warming water is called deception. It is what the ruler of the darkness, Satan, uses to gain control and distract us from what is truth. When we are slowly deceived it doesn’t seem so bad and is easier to tolerate than if the lies were thrown at us all at once. We have allowed things to happen while giving Satan all the access he needs to bring us to the all out spiritual battle we are now facing.

But, all is not lost. The battle is not over. Satan has not and will not win. This chaos that we find ourselves in can be stopped. And it begins by recognizing it for what it is. It is an attack. It is an attack on our beliefs and the souls of every person in this nation.

Satan is trying to silence the truths of Christianity and take away our credibility. What better way than to tempt us to act like fools and not like Jesus at all? How many of us during this season have gone against all that scripture teaches us that we should be? And each time we do it, it gets easier to do it again until we are no different than the world. And when we are no different than the world, what is the point in trying to lead anyone to Jesus? You see what Satan has done? Are you ok with be played and manipulated? You should be ticked that he has corrupted your passions.

But, here is my advice: Repent. Redirect your passions toward prayer and reading scripture. Follow the counsel from James 1:9 to be slow to speak. We don’t always have to voice our opinion. Sometimes the strongest opinion is to not have one. And this does not mean that you should be passive. Take your thoughts to God and let Him work it out.

The way to fight the spiritual battle that we are in is through prayer. Stepping away from the situation and allowing God to fight the battle. Showing Satan that we are not his pawns and we can’t be fooled into playing his game. We must stand firm and not be tempted and swayed into the ways of the world.

If we continue on the paths that we are currently walking on, things are going to get worse. God is allowing everything that is happening to get our attention and to test our hearts. His desire is for us to see the truth. By allowing things to get so obviously bad, it is God’s desire that we recognize what we must do. That we must change our ways in order to get a different outcome.

I am not trying to instill fear. Those who are secure in Jesus and put all of their faith and trust in him have no need to fear. But if you don’t know him, then you have no hope. The only peace and the only hope is in belief of and in following Jesus. He is the one who came and died for our sins so that we might have life forever. Otherwise, we are left to fight our own battles, to die for our own sins a death that lasts forever.

Judgement is coming to this country if we don’t repent and turn from our wicked ways. Christians are the ones to blame because we know better and are supposed to be the example of Jesus. No one will know who the true Jesus is if we don’t act any different than the world. Do you want to ignore the warnings from God and stick your heads back in the sand? The results will not be good for you. I promise. And so does God.

I believe the results of the election will be a good indicator of the health of the church. But, is hard to know exactly what is going to happen at the end of election day. There have been so many rumors of various things happening that we don’t even know if we can trust the results! But, I do know this: God is still in control! He is not surprised by the two candidates that we have to choose from or the craziness that has transpired over the past months. He knows what must happen to get people’s attention and to bring about his purposes. Throughout scripture we see that time after time when God’s people turned away from Him that it took trial and suffering to bring them back. And like a good father, He “disciplines the one he loves.” (Hebrews 12:6)

So if it takes this country going through persecution, judgement and other trials as a consequence of this election to turn the people to God, then so be it!

But, don’t lose hope. Take a step away from the chaos and into God’s peace. Allow God to help you see what is going on and that He is still in control. Allow God to test your heart and your motives of living for Him. Are you being selfish or are you willing to do and live through whatever is necessary to bring others to a saving knowledge of Jesus? No matter what happens God knows what is best. Rest in Him and shine brightly the hope of Jesus to this country that so desperately needs it. Keep your focus on God in the days ahead. And in a world of confusion and hatred, choose peace and love. Choose Jesus.


3His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.

10Therefore, my brothers and sisters,a make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(2 Peter 1:3-11)


Are we true followers?

There are billions of people in this world who don’t know Jesus. BILLIONS. And almost 3 billion have never even heard his name. But, there are still billions who have. That is great, isn’t it? But do those who have heard know the truth about who he is? Does what they think they know about Jesus come directly from the source or from those who claim to be followers? Are those followers portraying the truth or is it tainted? Those followers may be showing others the wrong Jesus and in turn pushing people from the true knowledge of him and at the chance of really knowing him. Would it be better to not have ever heard than to only have seen what isn’t true?

The task given to the followers of Jesus is to represent his image and likeness here on earth. If we aren’t doing all that we can to clearly reflect that image then we are showing others the wrong Jesus. We are leading people to believe that Jesus is something that he is not. There is the cliche that we may be the only Jesus that some may ever see. And that is true. But, what Jesus are we showing them?

The enemy of this world, Satan, is doing a pretty good job of distracting us, turning us against each other, having us go to anything and anyone but God in times of chaos. So, we forget, or never even learn how we are supposed to act, how Jesus would act. No wonder the world calls us hypocrites! We are dysfunctional and not unified. The Word is our blueprint for unification. It is what gets the body of Christ on the same page and teaches us how to be followers, how to reflect the correct image so the world won’t continue to get mixed messages. Besides, how can we call ourselves followers if we aren’t truly following. Following requires knowing our leader, watching where our leader is taking us.

Following requires discipline and sacrifice. Spend time with the leader and get to know him. Learn his ways and how he would respond to situations, what he’d want you to do with your time.

We aren’t put in this world to just enjoy entertainment, stay safe, work and pay bills. That is what the world tells us to do. But, Jesus calls us to be different and to not be of this world. This life should be about others and not ourselves. We are called to love one another. NO. MATTER. WHAT.

We are called to pick up our cross. Do you know what that means? It means that we are to do whatever it is that the Lord has for us to do. We are to set aside the world and all of the ways that it entices us and follow the path set before us to bring the news of the saving grace of Jesus to a lost and DYING world. What’s more important than that? Surely not our self-preservation or entertainment.

Forget about races, cultures, socioeconomic classes, age, gender, sexual orientation or anything else that brings about division. We are ALL God’s precious creations. And He loves us equally. He doesn’t care about national borders or that we were born in different situations. He cares about the souls of his beloved creation. We need to ask God to show us others through His eyes. We need to know how much love he has for each and every person on the planet. Even our enemies.

So STOP. STOP making it about yourselves and where you live and what you deserve or what you are entitled to. We could have all just as easily have been born in someone else’s situation. Stop complaining. Stop whining. And stop pointing fingers at someone else.

And pick up YOUR cross. And learn how to follow Jesus so that others will see his true reflection. The truth of who he is will be the only thing that can save this dying world. Spend time in the Word and stop posting every feeling on social media and go to God with it.

Now more than ever the world is watching us and we have to make sure that they see the truth, otherwise why would they want Jesus?


The scariest thing that I have ever done.

This time last month I was in Nicaragua with a large group of college students. It was my first time leading a mission trip by myself. I was in a country that I had never been to before. I had to meet and get acquainted with our ministry contacts a couple of days before the team arrived, which means I traveled alone. Oh, and I knew no one.

If you had told me a couple of years ago that this would happen I would’ve thought you were crazy. What?! Travel to a country that I don’t know, alone, to be with people that I’ve never met? There would’ve been no way!

Fortunately, I had a good friend who’d been there multiple times prepare me the best that he could. (And he believed that I could do it.) I always try to go into a trip prepared but to have no expectations. Well, no matter how hard I try to prepare and have no expectations, God always seems to show me otherwise.

This time I went in with this criteria in my head about what a trip leader is supposed to be. Essentially my plan of action was to be someone else, the others I have seen lead. So, of course, God had to set me straight because He had different criteria in mind for me.

The bombardment of my mind to tear down these expectations began the first night. The day was coming to a close and I was in my “dorm” room. It suddenly hit me how alone I was. Aside from the security guard, I was on the several acre property by myself, in a foreign country, where I knew no one. I have never felt so alone in my life. It was a stark reality that made me feel like a child who just wanted to go home. I began questioning everything…my past, my present, my future. Am I crazy thinking that somehow could do this? Did God really want me here? Do I truly hear from God? Maybe this missions thing isn’t for me because surely I wouldn’t feel like this if it were. I was scared!

It was like all that I had learned from my past that had been gaining me momentum toward my future and purpose came to a screeching halt and hit a brick wall. Crash!

The rest of the week God was there to pick up the shattered pieces. He left the pieces that I didn’t need and put the rest back together bit by bit in the gentle way that only He can.  He left the lies, the doubt, the anxiety, the expectations at the crash site. And he began to show me in different ways why I was there and the leader that He created me to be. Piece by piece…I don’t have to be someone else to be useful. Bit by bit…I have something that others need. Piece by piece…I just need to be me.

God gave me the courage to take a group on a 3 hour prayer walk on our very first outing. God gave me the boldness to talk to people about Jesus and to pray for them. He helped me to be an example to others and show them the blessings received when stepping out in faith.

God allowed me several opportunities to really listen to and talk with several of the team members. I was able to encourage them with my experiences and my stories and through scripture that I had learned.

God gave me opportunities to teach others how to hear from God. I heard team members share ways God had spoken to them. I saw faith grow through moments of revelation and their searching for God’s voice throughout the week.

God showed my group that by responding to God through obedience that He will continue to reveal Himself. He did so by bringing healing through shared stories. He brought redemption to hurts from the past and gave new hope for the future.

I can look back over the past couple years and see how God had been preparing me for this moment in my story, this next stepping stone in His plan for me. I can see ways that He has shown me that…I’m not truly alone because He is with me. I am capable of doing more than I believe. I have nothing to fear. He is my security. I am useful and have gifts and stories that others can learn from. I can be an encouragement to others. I am enough because my strength comes from Him. He has a plan for my life and a purpose for every experience.

There have been small lessons with each previous stepping stone, or experience in my life. They each collided on this trip as a sort of test of my faith and trust in Him. It was the perfect storm of difficulties hitting me at once. It was as if He was saying, “Do you remember the lessons that you have learned? Do you remember that I was there and helped you through? Now, don’t you see that you can trust me in this?”

He has a plan for me. I have a purpose. I don’t have to be qualified. I am qualified because I am His daughter. God is going get me through. If He calls me to it, then He will walk with me through it.

Because of God, what started out as the scariest thing in my life ended up being a turning point in my faith. I now believe that I can do anything that God has purposed for my life.

Prayer is the Secret Weapon

prayer weapon

So, it is becoming more and more apparent that this world has gone crazy. Its seems like every other day we hear about another tragedy. And, of course, everyone wants to share their own opinion on how to fix the problem and settle the issues. It is easy to point fingers and place blame when we are bystanders.

I’ll admit that it has been hard for me to stay away from picking sides and forming my own opinion. In all honesty, I just don’t know who in the world to trust. In the midst of the frustration of making sense of it all and logically trying to figure it all out, I formed an opinion that I wasn’t completely sure of. My flesh was satisfied, but my spirit was unsettled. I felt that the two were in a tug-of-war. So, I cried out to God for wisdom on which side was right. And God said that I didn’t need an opinion! He told me that just because humans were setting sides and flocking to one or the other didn’t mean that I had to do the same. He said that my position was to pray.

God calls His children to be set apart, to be different than all others. So, it makes sense that he told me that I didn’t need to choose a side. So, when the world is running around in utter chaos trying to figure out who to blame, who to fight or condemn in order to make things better, remember that we are called to be different.

Our world today and our position in it reminds me of the story of Jesus calming the storm. Jesus and the disciples were in a boat and a storm begins to crash all around them. The men were fearful as they are being tossed around and threatened by water filling the boat. Jesus was sleeping peacefully and they didn’t understand how. But, at the disciples request, Jesus speaks and calms the storm. Like the storm, our world is crashing all around us, loud and rocking us back and forth, pushing us from one side to the other. We are fearful by what we see and feel. But, if we are on the boat with Jesus then there is nothing to fear. And we can come to him in the midst of all of the chaos and confusion and ask him to calm the storm.

God has been pushed out by too many for far too long and it is time that we invite Him back in. Our prayers are the invitation. And not just passing, generic,  memorized,  check-it-off-the-list prayers. I’m talking from the gut, on your knees, heart crying, all out, with everything from within us, pleadings at the throne of God. We have got to come to Him with complete surrender of our own agendas and opinions and willingly take on His.

There is a reason why scripture says that we can’t live on just food but must consume the Word of God as well (Deut. 8:3). It is the Word that will satisfy us, give us insight, bring hope and healing, understanding of God’s agendas and be a weapon when we need it. The scriptures are to be used as a weapon in fighting against evil. We cannot fight evil and darkness by physical means. It must be done in the spiritual from where it comes.

Knowing scripture is knowing God’s heart and His plan. When we pray in accordance with scripture we are coming into agreement with God and coming alongside Him in battle. Praying scripture is the ultimate weapon. It is an invitation for God’s plans to come to fruition.

The ONLY way that anything is going to change in this world is if God’s people get serious about prayer. When the world wants to blame, kill, condemn, imprison, reject, persecute and go to war to rid it of an enemy, we must be set apart and have a different approach. Prayer is not what everyone else is doing. We are to pray boldly and consistently while waiting expectantly. Don’t be afraid to pray big prayers and ask for God to move in ways beyond our imagination.

“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:16

“Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.” Psalm 5:3

We have to put away the desires of the flesh and of this world and fervently ask for His will and agenda to be done in us and through us.  Jesus entrusted us to be the vessels through which his story would be told.

Followers of Jesus are the only light in this dark and evil world. We must not be afraid to let the light of Jesus shine through us into the darkness. Darkness cannot exist in the light.

Remember the song we sang in Sunday school as kids, This Little Light of Mine? Well, it’s now our new battle cry. Go out into the world, eradicating the darkness by letting your light shine. And pray fervently like the world depends on it, because it does!

 “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:14-16

The ONLY solution for world peace

World peace

I’ve been trying to keep up with all of the events that have transpired over the last week or so. There has been so much going on that has stirred my spirit that it is difficult to choose a topic in which to write. But, there is one overall theme that really stands out that connects them all…how to solve the world’s problems.

At the heart of the turmoil all over the globe is that our beliefs are being questioned and tested, whether it’s about racial inequality, homosexuality, abortion, political control, gun control, religion or one of the other controversial topics. There is an anxiety and a sense of urgency to choose a side in which to defend. Divisions in humanity are spreading like a deadly disease. Humanity is sick and growing ever so with an increasing need for a cure.

Our flesh cries for peace and longs for an end to the suffering, anxiety and turmoil. Our flesh searches for a solution to mend what is broken. The reality is that the divisive issues have existed since the fall of man, when the disease that is sin entered the world and shattered God’s perfect will for human existence, peace, harmony, the joy of a full life. Since that moment, man has searched for a thread to mend the tear that sin has ripped in the fabric of creation.

And all along, our Creator God has been calling us, trying to show us the one solution to all of our problems. He allows suffering so we will finally call out to Him for help. He has placed a longing and a desire in our souls so that we will search for Him, look to Him for our solutions, our cures. But, the disease continues to pull at humanity’s fabric, ripping it to shreds, tearing away any evidence of its original design. The more tearing, the less truth we see as it is obscured or completely undetectable. But, God has the thread of truth to sew the fabric back to its original design…the thread of Jesus.

As humanity reaches out to the false threads to solve ‘world peace,’ scripture tells us that Jesus came to this world “not to bring peace, but a sword.” The sword is the Word of God and the Word is Truth and the Truth is Jesus…the true thread (see also John 1:1). Jesus came, essentially, to be that sword of truth to slash through all of those false threads that Satan tempts humanity into believing will solve our problems. When in reality the false threads only make the fabric ugly, weak, dirty and worthless.

torn fabric

Jesus is the answer to the world’s aches and pains–not the solutions that mankind try to put into place such as interfaith tolerance, redistribution of wealth and resources to the impoverished or new environmental resolutions (See Agenda 2030). Only through allowing Jesus to expose the false solutions by revealing the truth that he alone is the cure, will there be true peace and rest, healing of our human brokenness, and the healing of all of creation. For he alone is “the way, the truth and the life.”

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)

The design has already been set. A solution has already been written and fulfilled. Jesus came that “we may have life and have it to the full.” Yet, many seek elsewhere for this fulfillment. Man is currently trying, through the plans of the United Nations, to create rules in the attempt to bring about global change toward the goals that Jesus already died for. The plans of man will be “thwarted” because Jesus is being left out of man’s designs.

The story of the tower of Babel is one instance in history when man, in defiance to God, decided he knew better than God. A group of people came together to build a tower to “make a name for themselves” that they may no longer be scattered, so they’d have a place for themselves. But, they didn’t ask God if this was a good plan, or if it was in His will. So, God struck them will many languages so that they could no longer communicate and make sinful plans together. And, the thing the people tried to avoid became a reality…they were scattered throughout the land. Their plans were thwarted.

If our foundations, individually or globally, aren’t built upon the Word and will of God, then anything built upon it will fall (Matthew 7:24-27). In other words, if our basic beliefs and practices aren’t foundationally secure in the plans and will of Almighty God, then no matter what laws are passed or unification efforts are made, none will succeed! You can forget the hope that the many nations, religions, economies, leaders and peoples of the world could ever come together as one under one agenda and be successful, ever! Because of the disease of greed, selfishness and dishonesty, nothing manmade or man-created exists that can bind us together and diminish our differences. The supposed love for humanity and the environment aren’t enough without the thread that is Jesus, who alone is the common thread that could ever truly bring us together.

By reading, or listening to, the speeches given by global leaders at the U.N. 70th General Assembly and by the Pope over the past couple of weeks, it is obvious that there is a call for global governance (see below for links). And, as it appeared to me, the overwhelming reaction of despicable adoration to the presence of the Pope in the U.S. proves our longing for a solution. I encourage you to take some time to familiarize yourself with these speeches. Look at them through the filter of scripture and their underlying inferences to see how it corresponds to prophecy fulfillment. (I especially recommend the Pope’s speech to Congress and Israel’s PM’s speech to the U.N. See more links below.)

Like I have said before, we aren’t fighting a battle against world leaders, differences of opinions, or attempts to have things our way, but a battle against what is unseen. And what is unseen is a dark, deceiving, unfair, unloving, vicious and unrelenting spiritual enemy who will stop at nothing to pull humanity away from the truth.

Did you hear that? The enemy will stop at NOTHING! Satan will go so far as to appear beautiful and right, alluring us with his smooth words that are so perfectly placed that it will appear to be truth. It will APPEAR TO BE TRUTH. And he is counting on YOU to NOT filter it through scripture and the Holy Spirit.

I pray, with tears in my eyes, and groanings from deep within my soul, that you will see with clarity, the wool that the enemy of humanity and all that is true, is pulling over your eyes. We are in a war. We ARE in a WAR. WE ARE IN A WAR. What are you doing to ready yourself for battle?

Seek the Lord that you may see clearly the plans of the enemy. Seek the Lord for his specific plans for you in the war. Put on the armor of God and know, precious child of God, that in the end, and even now, that God is the victor! Don’t you want to be a part of that? Don’t you want to be a part of defeating the enemy in giving him exactly what he deserves, which is us living for God to the best of our abilities? I do! Go out and prepare for war, because we are in the middle of it!

“Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Link to the U.N. General Assembly news and speeches: UN speeches, Israel’s PM’s speech

Link to a few of the full transcripts of the Pope’s speeches:  Interfaith ServiceSpeech to Congress, Pope addresses U.N., Speech at White House, St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Here is a great video with a realistic perspective on eradicating poverty: When Helping Hurts

(All pics from Google images.)

My gloves are off!

I have been struggling lately with all that God has put on my heart to share. There is so much going on in the world that screams of Biblical end time warnings. My heart is broken and my soul is grieving for those who are blissfully unaware.

God has gifted me with awareness, observation and the ability to sense others’ feelings (burden bearing). These giftings aren’t always fun as I am often led to interceding in prayer for others. And as the days move along the things that I sense become heavier and heavier.

I have been unsure as to what and how much I should share about what is happening around us. I know that it is important to discern what is to be shared. But, I have this increasing sense of urgency in relaying certain messages. I want readers to be aware of what Satan is up to, the promises and goodness of God in the midst of the chaos, world events and how we may be affected and how to prepare physically and spiritually.

I feel that we no longer have the luxury of sitting by and watching the rest of the world crumble under the evil. We can no longer give excuses to ignore the signs and warnings. We can no longer say that we’ve heard it before yet we are personally ok and that  our families have so far not been affected. We can no longer say that it’ll never happen to us.

I am here to tell you what I have found and learned and the dots that I have connected. It isn’t pretty and will sound crazy. Unfortunately, though we all want to see the best in others and circumstances, the enemy will take advantage of our views and use them as a veil to cover our eyes to truth.  We must refuse to allow it. We must refuse to allow evil to rule. God put us all on this earth at this particular time in history for purposes that no others could accomplish. Let’s stand up and declare the victory that is ours by walking into those purposes in which we are called.

You can think that I am crazy, but I don’t care. The bible is full of crazies and I will gladly be counted as one along side them. It is time for truth and reality. The fun and games are over. From now on my gloves are off.

Read from 2 Peter 3:

Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.”

17 You already know these things, dear friends. So be on guard; then you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing.

Schemes of the Enemy: Isolation

Part One of the series: Schemes of the Enemy

Questions to ponder in this series: Who are you and what are your beliefs? How did those beliefs become your beliefs? Do your beliefs ever change? If so, how often and what inspires the change? Are you easily persuaded or do you hold fast to your convictions? What determines your convictions? What and who influences you? Are you easily offended? Do you feel that your life has no meaning?  Are you ashamed of who you are?

What makes the past century so different than all of the rest? I would have to say one of the biggest differences is the advancement of technology. The fast-paced, ever-increasing speed of technology has created an impatient society. It isn’t just the speed but the abundance that sucks us in and makes us so dependent that we don’t even know what we would do without it.

I am not saying that I don’t like technology or all of the conveniences that have been created. I am saying that it has gotten out of hand. It has made us lazy, antisocial and distracted. Social media has replaced talking face to face about our issues. Instead of taking issues to God in prayer, it becomes a status update. We hide behind computer screens that show the highlight reels of our life when in real life we are miserable. We are so concerned about keeping face and fitting in that we die while holding up the mask.

Even movies and media encourage us to keep up the facade. We are influenced by a lie. Movies are a lie (or are they?) Magazines are a lie. Celebrities are a lie. Social media is a lie.  We are told who we are and who we should be, how we should look, who we should like and what topics to hate. Who and what is real? Who determines the standard?

So, we believe the lies that we are told and try to mold ourselves into what society tells us is acceptable. But, this isn’t us and we aren’t happy. And we try to hide it. We don’t want anyone to know that our lives aren’t perfect and we don’t want to face it. So, we distract, medicate and fill our schedules.

We are too “busy” to carry on real conversations. And any relationship we have is shallow at best. No one truly knows who we are. We don’t even know who we are. We have faked it and avoided it for so long. We are miserable and lonely. Too many of us are on anti-depressants to say that this is not the case.

We wonder why we are empty, why our lives seem meaningless, why we are miserable and lonely. We spend our lives rushing through it all. We don’t see what is right in front of us. Do we think that if we keep rushing through life that we can outrun our problems? Where is the joy? Is this what we were made for?

We are busy.  We are distracted. We are avoiding reality. You see, all of these things, and more, keep us from relationship and keep us from truth. We climb into our own personally created and outwardly perfect little boxes to hide. We don’t want to be invited inside anyone else’s box because they may want inside ours. We don’t want them to see how untidy it is. We don’t want to face our mess because that’s where truth is buried. The reality of our mess hurts and we’ll have to spend some time there to clean it all up. We are content with the distraction that keeps our mind off of the truth. It is easier just to sit in our box alone with the lid closed and in ISOLATION, pretending we are ok.

Did you know that there is an enemy who wants us there? The enemy is Satan and isolation is exactly where he wants us. Because we are more easily convinced of his lies if we are alone. If isolated, then He. Is. Our. Only. Influence. And everything we think that we believe gets filtered through him. He thrives in keeping us from joy and the true purposes for our existence.

He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44)

So what is life supposed to be like? We are NOT meant to be in isolation. We are made for relationship and community.  But, we have to slow down. We have to take the time to listen and look around. We have to seek the truth.

First, we have to build a foundation of what relationship and life is created to be.  We have to seek Jesus for the blueprints to build that foundation. That blueprint is the example of the life that he lived.

In John 10:10, Jesus perfectly explains the exact opposite intentions of himself and Satan, the thief:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

Do you want to be a slave of the thief whose intentions are to destroy you? Or do you want a life of freedom in the one who intends for you to have an abundant life?

I encourage you to spend some time reading the book of Matthew, in the bible. And while reading it, pay close attention to how he lived, how he reacted, and interacted.